Document Services

Birth certificate


CHAPTER III Rights and Obligations
article 5
Each child has the right to have a legal name and citizenship status.

CHAPTER V part 1, Identity of the Child
article 27
(1) The identity of each child must be given on the date of birth.
(2) The identity as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be set forth on the birth certificate.

1. Form 2.01
2. ID card of parents/passport 
3. ID card of witness (2 persons)
4. Kartu Keluarga (Family Card)
5. Married certificate of parents
6. Proof of birth from hospital

SKTT/Temporary Residential Card

Law #23 year 2006 about Population Administration
Article 20
1. Foreigners who have a Stay Permit coming from abroad, and other licensed for Foreigners who have changed their status as holders of a Stay Permit, who plan to reside in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia shall report to the Kantor Catatan Sipil no later than 14 days from the issuing of the Stay Permit.
2. Based on the report, referred to in paragraph (1), the Kantor Catatan Sipil issues a Certificate of Residence.
3. The validity period of the Certificate of Residence as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be adjusted to the validity period of the Limited Stay Permit. 
4. The certificate of Residence as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be carried at the time of travel.

1. Passport
2. Kitas

KTP for non Indonesians

Foreigners who hold a permanent stay permit is eligible to apply for an ID card it called a KTP.  The validity period of the KTP shall be adjusted to the validity period of the Permanent Stay Permit.
As foreigners, you will have many benefits when you have one such us: 
1. Lower price for medical care
2. Bank account
3. Property on your name (HGB/Hak Pakai)
4. Buying a Car/Motorcycle on your name

1. Passport
2. Documents from banjar (chef of local community)
3. Kitap
4. Police registration
5. ID card + KK of sponsor
Previous SKTT (if you have) 


Below answer of the Questions

Yes you can, the most requested by our customers are licence for motorcycle (SIM C) and/or car (SIM A)

While it is also required by law to have, it is also a document needed for your ITAS extension application.

Yes, you have to register your marriage to the Indonesian civil registry office in order to be recognized by Indonesian law. This will give you the right to apply for a Stay Permit (Kitas) if you want to stay/live in Indonesia for long term.

Yes, both of you can apply as long as both applicants have the permanent stay permit (Kitap) from the Local Immigration.

The Public Service of Civil Registry is Free of Charge. The necessary document is the ‘Surat Pengantar’ from the head of local community (banjar). Price will depend on the area. Each area (banjar) has its own authority. This money is collected for local purposes and is called a donation.

indonesian passport

Persyaratan Permohonan Paspor RI

  • Paspor RI yang lama bagi yang memiliki.
  • e-KTP, Bagi WNI yang berdomisili di Luar Negeri, melampirkan Resident Card setempat
  • Kartu Keluarga.
  • Akte Kelahiran, Ijazah, Akte Nikah (bagi yang sudah menikah)
    Tambahan persyaratan bagi anak-anak di bawah 17 tahun :
  • KTP orang tua.
  • Bagi anak yang salah satu orang tuanya WNA, melampirkan paspor orang tua WNA.
  • Akte perkawinan orang tua.
  • Surat pernyataan orang tua.
  • Bagi yang orang tuanya bercerai, melampirkan penetapan Pengadilah Hak Asuh Anak.
  • Semua persyaratan dilampirkan ASLI dan FOTOCOPY
  • Pastikan data pada KTP, KK dan Akte Kelahiran tercetak sama dan tidak disingkat.
  • Apabila paspor anda hilang, baik yang masih berlaku atau habis masa berlaku, lampirkan Surat Keterangan Kehilangan dari Kepolisian.